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Monday, October 08, 2007


I'm sure any premed would know SDN forum. If not, you are lucky and I suggest you remain that way. It's an effective way of communicating between fellow premeds. You can get suggestions about interview processes, what to wear, letters of rec, or any strange thing related to medical school you can think of.

When I didn't do well in my last MCAT, first thing I think of is "will I get into med school with this? what do others get" I made the worst mistake of checking SDN. You'll see many posts full of complaints about MCAT score, but they are not bitching about getting below 30. They bitch about getting 37, instead of 40. Come on, if you are achieving that much, be considerate.

We need suggestions when we are confused, uncertain or insecured about MCAT score. SDN is great but don't check out that website unless you feel secured about yourself.

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